Located in Historic Downtown McKinney

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tuesday's P&Z Meeting

If you read through the P&Z agenda for the 7/25/2006 meeting there are some interesting items. My favorite?

3. Allow 4 horses to be stabled at the southeast corner of Lot 1R, Block A, (Tract B), subject to compliance with City codes.

• The applicant is proposing to have horse drawn carriages within the development. Staff is currently drafting an ordinance that addresses horse drawn carriages, which the applicant will be required to adhere to once the ordinance is adopted. The applicant is further requesting that 4 horses be kept permanently on the subject property, with the associated horse stables.

• City code requires a minimum of 1/3 of an acre for every each adult horse. With the 4 horses the applicant is proposing to stall, 1.3 acres of land will need to be designated for the horses. The applicant has indicated that the 2.2 acre open space area to the west of this lot will provide the acreage needed to accommodate the horses.

• While this provision will allow the horses to be stabled on the property, the applicant will still be required to meet all applicable City codes regarding the stabling and keeping of horses, including fencing requirements. Staff is not in opposition to this item as horse drawn carriages are permitted in other areas of the City, such as downtown McKinney.

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