Located in Historic Downtown McKinney

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Comment from Blackard Group?

I recieved the following response. Based on the the content, I believe that it must be from someone within the Blackard Group. Thank you for the information!

Due to confidentiality agreements, the PR Department must keep the announcement of new tenants quiet until leases are signed.After finally receiving City approvals, the Bell Tower is under going a plan review to ensure everything is correct. Plan reviews are common prior to construction.The fountain is taking longer than anticipated and the Stone Mason had prior commitments for some commercial work in Louisiana. Carving 147 tons of stone by yourself is not an easy task.Adriatica is a very difficult project. The smalest detail must be attended to or the result will be an inferior product, which nobody wants. The initial time frame for the project was stated at 8-10 years until build out, but reports are that it will be completed in about 4-5 years. While there is a general building plan, the design team begins a building once a tenant is identified, the building is then designed around their needs. It is a much slower process than if the build buildings were simply built and then tenants were located. That process is what makes Adriatica unique.

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